Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Exposing the Word of Faith Movement

Exposing the Word of Faith Movement.

The Word of faith movement teaches not a deeper life but a fuller life based on the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and pride of life. Every Sunday they fill their mega churches offering the same things satan tempted Jesus with which He rejected. Their message is popular because it focuses on health, wealth, prosperity, earthly happiness  and success and not on humility,  repentance, brokenness, sacrificial love and Holiness. The basis of this heretic teaching is that we were created as little gods therefore we are entitled to all the benefits of the Godhead.  
The father of this movement is considered to be Kenneth Hagin Sr but Hagin by his own admission studied the writings and teachings of E. W. Kenyon
Kenyon's attendance at Emerson College in Boston gave him broad exposure to various transcendental, metaphysical and new age religious ideas.
Kenneth Hagin plagiarized much of E.W. Kenyon word-for-word. How foolish to be impressed with this man! Kenyon was an occultist! Hagin’s book, Having Faith in Your Faith, teaches that anyone can develop the universal “laws of faith” to get what he wants. He says, for a person to drive a Chevrolet instead of a luxury car isn’t “being humble, that’s being ignorant” of God’s “law of prosperity.” That works for “whoever you are,” saint or sinner.

How far back does this philosophy go?
Although its roots can be traced back to Greek Philosophers, but the father of the New Age Thought Movement within the "Christian" church is believed to be Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). The second son of Jesper Swedenborg who served as a Bishop in the Lutheran Church. Emanuel was a brilliant scientist and inventor. Beginning in 1743 and continuing throughout 1744, Swedenborg experienced intense dreams and visions at night, which he recorded in his personal diary. During this 'spiritual awakening' he received visions in which he claimed he had been appointed by the Lord to write the Heavenly Doctrine and reform Christianity. According to The Heavenly Doctrine the Lord had bestowed upon him the special privilege to visit heaven and hell and to talk to angels, demons and spirits at will. Some of his teaching taught that Christ's second coming and final judgment had already taken place. He authored 18 books including his most well known "Heaven and Hell" Swedenborg's teachings had a profound impact on many including Joseph Smith the founder of the Mormon Church. (The writings of Joseph Smith are so similar to Swedenborg that many believe he founded the Mormon church based on Swedenborg's teachings), and Charles Wesley Emerson who was a minister in the Unitarian Church before he founded Emerson College where E.W Kenyon was a student.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby.
This New Thought Movement sprung up in America during the late 1800. The leader of this movement is Phineas Parkhurst Quimby.
He taught poverty and illness exist due to erroneous thinking, fears and lack of faith in God, and that their was enough power in the mind to heal oneself. In a letter dated March 1860 Quimby uses the term "Law of Attraction" to describe this philosophy. This term is still in use today by every New Age guru out to make a quick buck selling their version of "think and grow rich" books.

Mary Baker Eddy.
A student of Quimby, Mary Baker Eddy
was a frail and sickly lady who was cured by Quimby, she went on to be a medium and gave lectures on mind cures before going on to start the Christian Science Church in 1866.

Helena Blavatsky
After traveling much of the world Blavatsky returned to America in 1875 and with Henry Steele Olcott found the Theosophical Society, which was conceived to investigate the mystical qualities of life and the psychic powers of the individual.
Despite her controversial life she went on to write a book called "The Secret Doctrine".
Her writings influenced such people as Allister Crowley, Rudolph Steiner, H.P. Lovecraft, Adolf Hitler and Alice Bailey.
Blavatsky spoke of the Aryan race and the power of the symbol we now call the swastika long before Adolf Hitler stepped on the world stage.

Alice Bailey
Born in England in 1880, she moved the the United States in 1907. She was the first to coin the term "New Age" She taught that the goal of the New Age Movement has consistently been to bring in the Age of Aquarius when all will recognize 'the God within themselves'. Her vision was that... 'The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a, "John the Baptist, a voice crying in the wilderness" and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished.' She desired a time when the 'Christian churches' would embrace the New Age concepts of illumination and self-realization. In her book "Education for a New World Order" she writes," World citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain". The New Age plan to bring in world peace cannot fully establish the Golden Age of Aquarius until Biblical Christianity is outlawed or destroyed. Her husband Foster Bailey was a 32nd degree Freemason and a national secretary of Blavatsky's Theosophical Society.  It is interesting to note that a trust fund started by Alice and her husband called the Lucis Trust (which is the Publishing House that prints and disseminates all United Nations material)  was behind the Occupy Wall Street movement, what's so ironical is that the head quarters of the Lucis Trust is at 120 Wall Street. New York City! Of the many organizations and groups that the Bailey's founded one in particular is noteworthy, The World Goodwill Group, this group has been recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council for the purpose of cooperation in the work of preparing for the reappearing of the "Christ"

 It was in this environment of New Age enlightenment that E.W. Kenyon studied at Emerson College and who's writings Kenneth Hagin Sr plagiarized word for word. In due course Hagin's teachings would influence many including Kenneth Copeland who foundered and pastors Kenneth Copeland Ministeries in Texas.

Copeland's teachings include, we are gods, Christ's death on the cross was insufficient, "It wasn't the physical death on the cross that paid the price for sin anybody could do that"  and Christ went to hell where he was raped and tormented by Satan. Other's that teach this false teaching include Joyce Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn and many others. Copeland and a former student of his, Bishop Tony Palmer are the leading voices to unite the protestant churches back under the control of the Pope and the Vatican. Copeland said, “Heaven is thrilled over this…You know what is so thrilling to me? When we went into the ministry 47 years ago, this was impossible.”

But what does Gods word say about this name it and claim in prosperity message?

1 John  2:15,  Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.  And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Who is The Real Barack Hussein Obama?


There is an age old Muslim tradition from Bahar al-Anvar (which means Oceans Of Light) by Mullah Majlisi, widely read and studied by mainly Shiite's which teach that Imam Ali ibn Abi-Talib, the prophets cousin and son-in-law prophesied that at the end of times and just before the return of the 12th Imam, the ultimate savior, a tall black man will assume the reins of government in the west, he would command the strongest army on earth, this ruler would carry a "clear sign" from the 3rd Imam , whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: "Shiite's should have no doubt he is with us" It should be noted that Obama`s first and second names, Barack Hussien means "the blessing of Hussein" in Arabic. His family name, Obama, written in Persian reads O Ba Ma, which means "he is with us"

By now it should be apparent to most people that Barack Hussein Obama is not the man who he claimed to be when he presented himself to the world in 2008 seeking the democratic party nomination and the position of President of the United States. The man who told the world of humble beginning in Hawaii to his entrance to Harvard University where he taught constitutional law before becoming a state senator and bursting on the national scene. So what do we really know about the man Barack Hussein Obama, who claims to be born August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Allegedly fathered by one Barack Hussein Obama Sr who abandoned him at a young age to return to his wife and family still living in Kenya. The young Barack was then adopted by Lolo Soetoro, and renamed Barry Soetoro and moved to Indonesia where we do have documentary proof of him entering an Islamic school under that name. We also know that it is a mandatory requirement to renounce your US citizenship in order to attend school in Indonesia. After grade school Barry travelled to Hawaii where he lived with maternal grand parents to attend high school. After high school Barry left Hawaii for Los Angelle's who he attended Occidental College in 1979. By his own admission he was indifferent and disinterested in his education, he was a chronic drug user and a c-level student at best.
After dropping out of College the young Barry emerged again in 1981 homeless and addicted to drugs in New York City. He then left NYC and travelled back to Indonesia and to Pakistan with an unknown Pakistani national. After returning to NY from Pakistan a few months later Barry Soetoro stopped using his adoptive name and began using his Muslim name of Barack Hussein Obama. While living in NY Barack filed income tax in the state of Connecticut (to avoid paying higher taxes in NY - this felony crime has no statute of limitation) Inexplicable the IRS assigned Obama a tax number which has subsequently been connected to a social security number of a Russian immigrant who resided in Connecticut. Obama was still using this number in 2009 (042-68-4425). This curious anomaly has been factually confirmed by e-verify and the Social Security Administration as a false ss number.
With his false identity firmly established this C-level college drop out was then accepted into Columbia University apparently without a transcript! Or so he would want us to believe yet not a single student including a top white house aid to the Clinton administration George Stephanopoulos who was supposedly in the same graduation class, has any recollection of ever seen the future president of the United States at Columbia University from 1981 to 1983 which is when he claimed he graduated with a degree in Political Science. Now can anybody explain why a person with a degree from a prestigious university would accept a undefined position as a community organiser in low income neighborhoods of Chicago for a meager weekly salary of $10. After a shadowy 3 year existence (1985 to 1988) in the Chicago slums he was suddenly accepted into Harvard University law School with no transcripts from Columbia. The normal acceptance route to be accepted into Harvard is for the applicant to be on the Dean`s list of his undergrad school with a sterling record of academic performance. This enigmatic ascend does not end there, nine months later this C-level student becomes the president and editor-in-chief of the exclusive and highly coveted the Harvard Law Review: which is the most sought after legal position of any academic intuition in America. Yet during his entire tenure in this prestigious position Barack Obama never penned one single article or commented on a single case pending before the Supreme Court. With the assistance of attorney Michelle Robinson (who would later become Michelle Obama) Barrack would be accepted into the Law Firm of Sidley and Austin under the guise of "summer associate". While the body of his work there consisted of a few obscure memos, he never filed a single case or even so much as a motion. Once again an extremely peculiar anomaly, but not as peculiar as what Barack did next, he rescinded his own license to practice law. Dear reader think about that for a few minutes, this hard earned Harvard Law Degree and future lucrative legal career thrown away for absolutely no reason at all, unheard of from any Harvard educated lawyer.

His Political Career
Obama began his political career in 1996 when he decided to run for the state senate, where he took the unusual tactic of having all four his democratic competitors disqualified, and with the help of the corrupt Chicago political machine he had an easy victory against the Republican candidate. He held this position till 2004 when he resigned to run for a United States Senate seat before announcing his bid for the White house. During his terms as Senator in Chicago and Washington he had the worst attendance record in history once again a C-level showing by a man who wants you to believe he was a honor student at both Columbia and Harvard. Then in 2008, with the full backing of the lame stream media and a message of hope and change he won an easy victory into the White house to be the 44th President of the United States Of America. Not long after been sworn in he also won the Noble Peace prize.
Never in the history of the world has one man done so little to earn so much with so little to show for his "sweat on the brow" effort. I am sure by now you are asking how can this be, what powers orchestrated this mans life and put him in the White house to do their bidding? We know so little of his life after he dropped out of Occidental College and his years in NY, before he travelled to Pakistan and what he did in Pakistan to gain the trust and favor of the Saudi Royal Family that shortly after he was "accepted" into Harvard they made a staggering $20 million contribution to the university, again a well documented fact which the Royal Family has admitted to.

So just who is the real Barack Hussein Obama.
Barry Soetoro (aka Barrack Hussein Obama) is a fraud, a fraud who cannot produce an American birth certificate which has not been falsified, a fraud with a false Social Security number, a fraud who denounced his Christian heritage to attend Islamic schools in Indonesia, a drug addict who dropped out of Occidental college, a fraud who never attended Columbia University, a fraud who was granted a token diploma from Harvard University entirely bought and paid for by the Saudi`s, a fraud who told America that his type of hope and change would bring civility back to Washington, a fraud that fooled the world while the media world stood silently by.

Who is the 12th Imam?
Within the Shiite sect and many Suuni`s, it is prophesied that the 12th Imam who is the great spiritual savior would soon return. This Imam is named Abu al-Qasim Muhammad or Muhammad al Mahdi. He is said to have been born the son of the 11th Imam, Hasan Al-Askari and his wife, the granddaughter of an Emperor. This Imam will only make his appearance during a time of great turmoil on earth, and from studying the 12th Imam (also called the Mahdi) and the Antichrist it becomes apparent that they have much in common.

Similarities between the Antichrist and the 12th Imam;
-Both make, then break a peace treaty with Israel before declaring war on Israel
-Both perform signs and wonders
-Both existed, then did not, then will return again
-Both rule for 7 years
-Both require the mark of the beast, (the number 666 is considered holy by Muslims)
-Both emerge from the ground ~ abyss, cave or well
-Both will ride a white horse
-Both will hate and will execute Jews and Christians by beheading
-Both their arrivals are not only prophesied but much expected and anticipated

In my exhaustive 2 part bible study titled "The Antichrists, The Statue and the Beasts" I concluded that the Antichrist and the 12th Imam are the same person, that the Antichrist would either be a Muslim or somebody sympathetic to Islam. In this study I want to focus on the last 3 similarities and see how Barack Obama has shown the Muslim world that he is the much awaited 12 Imam - remember, we have no idea who Obama really is or where he is from but we do know that for some or other reason the Saudi Royal Family saw something in him that prompted them to buy him a $20 million Harvard degree and other 'powers that be'  help him hide his past to put him in the white house.
In the Hadith we read this famous prediction "The hour will not be established till the sun rises from the west. So when the sun will rise and the people will see it, they will all believe....." In early 2000 Louis Farrakhan, head of The Nation Of Islam was doing TV broadcasts teaching about the meaning of this prediction and he told his followers that soon a new messenger would arise in the west (America)and would spread its light into America. And very early in Obama`s candidacy for president he adopted his own logo - the sun rising in the "O" - this logo was designed by his staff in Chicago some of whom were Muslims. To knowledgeable Muslims this could be seen as saying "I am the One"
On Feb 24, 2008 Louis Farrakhan was to address a group of young people when he made this strange comment about Obama, "You are the instruments that God will use to bring about universal change. And this is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign, When the Messiah speaks the youth will hear. And The Messiah is absolutely speaking' Farrakhan is not a Christian so who is he referring to when he speaks about the Messiah?
Now lets look at the white horse that the Mahdi (12th Imam) will be riding when he returns. The name Barack in Hebrew means lightning, it is also the name of Mohammad`s white horse he rode. A white horse is also important in the traditions of Islam as the Imam Hussein was martyred while riding a white Horse at the battle of Karbala. The Book of Revelations 6;2 tell us that the Antichrist will also be riding a white horse. Maybe to many this is not a big deal but only 2 presidents, JFK and Obama made their acceptance speeches in outdoor stadiums, Obama did his at the Mile high stadium which is the home of the Denver Bronco`s, and behind the podium was a large statue of a white Arabian Stallion, maybe to most not a big deal but to Muslims who are waiting the arrival of their 12th Imam how do they interpret this?
It is interesting to note that Obama`s first trip abroad as president was to the Islamic nations of Turkey, Saudi Arabia (where he bowed to the king) and Egypt.It is therefore understanding why he supported the Arab Spring that put the radical Muslim Brotherhood in power but said nothing to support the uprisings in Iran against that evil dictator. Although Obama`s official website states he has never been a Muslim the list of people who knew Obama in Indonesia and afterwards all claim he was a devout Muslim till he met Michelle and started going to Rev Wright`s church with her where they would later be married.
Obama the ever changing chameleon, neither black nor white, neither American or Indonesian, neither Muslim or Christian, neither capitalist or communist but adapting and amending his life story to fit the circumstance.

The man who hates Jews and Christians.
In June of 2009 the White house released a photograph of Obama with his feet up on the desk of the Oval office while speaking on the phone, the photo was taken with the camera directly aimed at the soles of Obama's shoes. Once again not a big deal to most Americans but once again sending a clear message to the Muslim world. In the Muslim world showing the soles of your feet or shoes is the highest form of insult imaginable. That is why the Iraqi man threw his shoes at President Bush to show his disgust at the American leader. This is clearly the case with Obama considering he was on the phone with the Prime Minister of Israel at the moment the picture was taken, and this insult was not missed by the Nation of Israel as most of their newspaper ran front page articles about it. Not long after this Obama kept the Prime Minister of Israel waiting for many hours at the White house for a scheduled meeting, an obvious snub for any head of state but once again sending his Muslim brothers a clear signal I hate Jews as much as you do!
The amount of times he has insulted Christians is too numerous to mention so I will not dwell on that, suffice to say that he has a perverted theology of Christianity taught by the Rev Wright called black liberation theology which is very evil and ungodly, it teaches collective salvation and social justice or redistribution of wealth. It is worth noting that the few times Obama quotes from the Holy bible it is to mock it and always taken out of context to the point of complete ignorance. However, in his Cairo speech, Obama said, "I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed."  NO true Christian would call Islam "revealed", thus, making a liar out of God. Similarly, Obama calls the Quran" the Holy Quran once again not anything a true believer of Christ would say has anybody heard him call the Bible Holy? I have not!

Who is the Antichrist?
In Revelations 2:13  Jesus tells us the "seat of Satan"  (or translated as the throne of Satan),  is in Pergamos, He was referring to the Altar of Zeus which is located in this city, an exact replica was built in Berlin, Germany in 1930, it is said this was one of Hitler's favorite places. Obama also visited this alter during his European visit just prior to the 2008 election. At the Denver Mile High Stadium the stage was a replica of the Altar Of  Zeus or as Jesus called it the throne of Satan. So with the stage set like the throne of  Satan and a white Arabian Stallion in the background Obama accepted the Democratic nomination to run for president of the United States
As I mentioned before the word "Barack" translates in both Hebrew (Strong's Hebrew word 1300) and Greek (Strong's Greek word 913) as lightning, and that word is found 3 times in the New Testament all three times in reference to the second coming of Christ.

Matt 24:27 - "For as the Lightening (Barack) cometh out the east and shineth unto the west; so shall the coming of the son of man be" Similar to the Muslim prediction of the son rising in the west, Matt 24:27 tells us that Barack would come out the east (Indonesia) and shine in the west (America) at the time of the second coming of Christ.

Luke 17:24 is very similar also using lightning (Barack) as a point on a timeline to indicate Christs second coming.

Luke 10:18 Jesus states, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" we have already determined Lightening as "Barack". The Strong's word 1116 for heaven or heights is "Bama". In Hebrew the letter "O" or "U" is used as a conjunction word to join two concepts together, the word "fall" in this context would translate to "transgress". So when Jesus spoke Luke 18:10 in his native Hebrew tongue he would of said, "and I saw Satan transgress as Barack Obama"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Madness Of Our Lost Society

We took God out of schools and told our children there is no God, we evolved from swamp gas, therefore we are not accountable to a higher power, we can do whatever feels right.
We no longer define ourselves by what we stand for, or what we believe in, we define ourselves by our material possessions.
America is morally, spiritually and financially broke. Many Americans are morally, spiritually and financially broke so why are we so shocked to see a black Friday shopper run over another ones face to save $25 on an iPOD.

Plain old common sense tells me this is not going to end well!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dreams of Dreamers

The year was 1949, the fires of revolution were burning hot through out Kenya, white farmers were been murdered on their farms by Mau Mau guerrillas, trade union strikes were reeking havoc on the countries economy. It was around this time that Hussein Onyango Obama, the grand father of Pres. Obama was arrested for his involvement in the Kenyan Independence Movement. While in jail he was subjected to cruel and harsh torture which caused permanent physical disabilities. Hussein had earlier in his life converted to Islam, and had forced his 3 wives to convert, they raised their children in the Islamic faith. His second wife who he was forced to marry by arrangement, bore him a son, Barrack Hussein Obama Sr. Although he was raised Islam he became an Atheist at a young age.

In 1959, Obama Sr left his pregnant wife and infant son to travelled to the USA on a scholarship to study economics. This would not be the only time Obama Sr would leave a wife and son, In February 2, 1961 Obama Sr married his pregnant second wife (While still married to his wife in Kenya). Barrack Hussein Obama Jr was born August 4 1961, he grew up fatherless for most of his life. Obama Sr returned to Kenya 1n 1965. And only saw his American wife and son one other time in 1971. It is well recorded that Obama Sr was a communist and a socialist, who had no problem taxing people 100% as long as they got benefits. And this is the philosophy he took back with him to Kenya.

President Obama authored a book titled, "Dreams from My Father" What was that dream?
The dream was to complete the revolution started by his fathers generation, to set the black people free from the white mans imperialism and capitalism. This dream was so important to him he left his wife and young son to return to Kenya. This dream was all about slavery, that is what socialism is about, slavery, where people are slaves to a big government who owns them, they have no liberties or freedom they work for the government are taxed 100% and in return they get food, shelter and a medical plan.

In August 28, 1963 another man had a dream, standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial he proclaimed it to the world - I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

America why did we forsake the latter dream for the former? Why did we replace the chains of slavery and racism with chains of a socialist government that wants to take our very liberties and toss us a welfare check, food stamps and a medical plan. Are our dreams and goals not bigger than the next government hand out we need to get in line for?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Rider on the Dark Horse

I have heard many people, who care deeply about this country, wonder when the next Gen George Washington will appear to lead the country back to her former glory, when people were free of tyranny and oppression. They are looking for that gallant young general on his trusty white steed to lead the charge to clean up Washington and retstore Honor. I`m remindered of the fact that it took another horseman on a dirty brown horse to make his famous ride before that General appeared. That horseman was Paul Revere. He rode many miles to warn the sleeping villagers that the British were coming. A little known fact was that many were sent out to spread the alarm, to warn those still sleeping that their very liberties were at stake. Paul Revere was only made famous because of the poem written is his name.

America are we waiting for the general on the white horse or are you going to be the rider on the dark horse?
I`m remindered of a picture I once saw of a flag draped coffin, the remains of a young Marine been carried to his final resting place. The caption above the photo read "What did you do for your country today?"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Two Ships That Sailed an Ocean

The Mayflower left Plymouth, England on September 6, 1620. Her Captain, Christopher Jones and a ships crew, with 102 passengers sailed for the new world. The first half of the voyage was fairly uneventful, with fair winds and calm seas, she was able to make good time, then the weather turned bad, the seas picked up and the winds howled through the ships rigging. During one such violent storm a main keel beam cracked, making the passengers wonder if the ship was strong enough for such violent seas. Capt Jones assured his passengers she was and the beam was fixed with a large screw and the leaking planking kaulked. Through much prayer and supplication these humble God fearing men continued to seek the favor of God. Under these trying circumstances they drafted the Mayflower Compact in the name of God. In this Compact they made their motive for sailing to the new world clear, "......for the Glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith......" . Two months later on November 11, the Mayflower anchored off Cape Cod and after landing, these humble men knelt on the beach and gave thanks to Almighty God.

Many years later another ship would sail these stormed tossed waters, on April 10, 1912 the HMS Titanic set sail for America. The largest passenger ship ever built, with double hull platting she was called the unsinkable, so safe she was, they claimed, that only 20 lifeboats were put on as an after thought. The 1st class passengers of the Titanic read like the whose who of the worlds elitist, like J Bruce Ismay, the president of the White Star Lines, James Morgan, the son of banker J P Morgan, the richest man in the world at the time and owner of the Titanic, Thomas Andrews MD of the company that built her and other industrial millionaires and bankers.
Despite many warnings of iceberg sightings Capt Smith under the instruction of J Bruce Ismay continued to plough full speed ahead to break the record for the fastest crossing. Four days into her voyage on April 14, 1912 at just past midnight she struck an iceberg. The seas were calm, flat as a lake we are told by those that survived, in fact the Titanic never saw one storm during her short trip, it was arrogance that sunk the Titanic.
After the fatal blow, the ships crew calmed everbody down, telling them to go back to their cabins and sleep everything was Okay. The band struck up and continued playing. Everything is Okay the Captain told passengers knowing full well that many would die that night in ignorant bliss. Hours later before the first light of dawn broke the eastern sky, the band finally stopped playing and all those that were not in one of the 20 liferaft died.

America I submit to you that from humble beginings we have become the arrogant Titanic - to big to fail. The politicians tell us everything is Okay, go back to sleep but our gut tells us something is wrong. I submit to you futher that not only are we the Titanic but, morally, spirtually and economically we have already struck the iceberg - the band just has`nt stopped playing yet.