Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

Satan - The Original Community Organiser

Written by Ism

Wednesday, 09 June 2010 07:21

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were two, married, socialist professors who taught at Columbia University back in the 1960’s. They were members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) who had a dream of tearing down American capitalism and replacing it with a Socialist/Marxist form of government.

Their mentor? None other than Saul Alinsky, the man who dedicated his book “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer, “the original community organizer.”

Cloward and Piven had a strategy for “reform”, one they clearly explained in a May 2, 1966 article in Nation Magazine. They believed that by overloading “the system”, any system, you could created enough chaos to make it possible to destroy that “system”. Once destroyed, a new “system” could be put into place.

Basically, their goal was to overload capitalism to the point where it failed, thereby making it easier to install socialism.

They decided to test their theory in a big way, using the New York welfare system as a guinea pig. To do this, they strategized that there were thousands, if not millions, of potential welfare recipients who were currently not receiving welfare. If they could locate these people, along with others who actually didn’t qualify, and sign them all up for entitlements, they could overload the current NY welfare department to the point of bankruptcy.

It was one, big science experiment.

They formed an organization called the National Rights Welfare Organization, and combined with members from the SDS (Students for Democratic Society) to help them with their task.

What you need to know is that SDS, despite the name, was anything but democratic. They were radical, socialist/communist students who are at the heart of all of the corruption we’re seeing today.

Guess who were members of SDS in the 1960’s?….

Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Wade Rathke, Jeff Jones …..

SDS later branched into other groups, two of which were the Weatherman Underground (Ayers, Dohrn, Jones) and ACORN (Rathke).

These SDS members helped Cloward and Piven to take down the NY welfare system. What was brilliant about this strategy is that it acted in a way that appeared to be helping people. They looked like they were trying to help “the poor” get the welfare they deserved, but their real objective was to overload the system, to tear the system apart.

One of the stated objectives of Cloward and Piven in The Nation Magazine article was that they wanted “fundamental change” in the government.

Where have we heard that before?

By overwhelming the NY government with welfare recipients, Cloward/Piven succeeded in their mission and brought the state to near-bankruptcy. Municipal bonds in the city depreciated to nearly zero. Rudy Giuliani, in one of his speeches, credited Cloward and Piven for nearly destroying the welfare system in his state.

The experiment had worked.

Cloward and Piven decided to try the strategy on a larger scale. In the 1970’s, these socialists came up with a couple of other ideas, one of which was to take down the housing market in the name of helping the inner city poor. They identified Jimmy Carter as “one of their own” and helped to get him elected to office. Once in office, they helped him push through an initiative called the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, a nice sounding bill that would “help” people of low income to become homeowners.

It was a fairly weak bill, so the democrats attempted to strengthen it throughout the 1980’s- Reagan wouldn’t bite. They succeeded in 1995 when, under President Clinton, the bill was made significantly stronger.

So what did this bill do? It insisted that lending institutions give out mortgages to people who they knew couldn’t and wouldn’t pay them back. The 1995 updated version of the bill included severe penalties and litigation for any banking institution that wouldn’t comply. The government assured these institutions that if they lost money by giving out these bad loans, they would be reimbursed. The banks then had an incentive to lend out these “subprime loans”, which would “help the poor.”

Before 1995, any bank who wouldn’t give out these bad loans faced a lawsuit from our good friends at ACORN.

Yup, that ACORN.

They were a community organizing group, started in the late 1960’s with the same premise as the rest of the Socialist groups, to “help the poor.” Their actual purpose was to overwhelm the system, create chaos in the inner cities, and bring them down. Their founder? None other than Wade Rathke, a member of SDS.

Who helped him start ACORN? Cloward and Piven.

Case in point: In 1994, Citibank refused to give out subprime loans to unqualified people. A lawsuit quickly followed from ACORN. You’ll never guess who was one of the ACORN lawyers involved in the lawsuit?

Barack Obama.

Our President, the Messiah, sued Citibank because they refused to give out loans which they knew would never be paid back. He did it under the guise of “racism” and used the Community Redevelopment Act of 1977 as his foundation for the lawsuit.

This lawsuit was settled out of court.

Obama was paid for his efforts.

In 1995, with a strengthened piece of legislation, ACORN employees began protesting at the private homes of the presidents of banks, accusing these executives of “racism.” The pressure on these executives to give out these bad loans became overbearing. ACORN infiltrated Fannie and Freddie, two private entities which were financially backed by the government, by getting “cohorts in crime” involved at the highest levels of the organizations. The cover up, embezzlement, and corruption in these two organizations was estimated at over a billion dollars.

One of the CEO’s, Franklin Raines, walked away with about $90 Million in his pocket.

As we now know, the housing market was overwhelmed and recently collapsed, causing much of our current economic crisis.

Cloward and Piven had accomplished another mission.

Yet, this sordid little tale doesn’t stop here….