Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

Biblical Timelines and Church Periods

This study of History is based on the creation model of a young earth about 6000 yrs old. I use to believe the earth was millions of years old till I researched the facts for myself. If you still believe in an old earth I would challenge you to "Question with Boldness"

Biblical Era`s and the Rule of Empires

6000bc - 4000bc Pre-flood civilisation Flood happened around 4000bc
4000bc - 2000bc Primeval Period
2000bc - 1700bc Patriarchal Period
1700bc - 1200bc Egyptian Empire
1200bc - 1000bc Israel`s Tribal Period
1000bc -   900bc Israel ruled by Kings
               931bc The kingdom is Divided into - The kingdom of Israel
                                                                 The kingdom of Judah
  900bc -   600bc The Assyrian Empire
  600bc -   540bc Bylonian Empire
  540bc -   330bc Persian Empire
  330bc -     70bc Greek Empire
    70bc -  395ad  Roman Empire
               395ad  The Roman Empire splits into  - Western Empire
                           and Byzantine Empire or Eastern Empire.
  476ad  -  Western Empire is Defeated by the Germanic Tribes
  622ad  - Birth of Islam
  962ad -  Birth of the Holy Roman Empire
 1453ad - Fall of the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Empire) which falls to                    the Ottoman Turks  (Muslims)
 1806ad - Fall of the Roman Empire

Seven Era`s
Pre Flood Era
Post Flood Era and despersian of nations
Judah Christian Era
The dark ages 300ad - 500ad
The medieval period 500ad - 1350ad
The Renaissance period 1350ad - 1527ad
The Modern Era

                             Time line of major world events.

Church of Ephesus ( 35ad - 200ad )

33ad Crucifiction, resurrection and ascention of Jesus. Stoning of Stephen the first martyr.

37ad Paul's conversion

44ad James first apostle martyred

70ad Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Dispersal of the Jews. This Jesus Prophesied in Matt 24:1-2 (The Kingdom of Israel was dispersed after the Assyrian invasion in 900bc These became known as the 10 lost tribes of Israel)

Church of Smyrna ( 200ad - 325ad )

313ad Constantine 1 Grants tolerance to Christians in the Roman Empire

Church of Pergamos ( 325ad - 500ad )

325ad Christianity elevated to State religion

395ad Roman Empire divided into East and West after the death of Theodosuis, Empire split between his two sons. Roman Empire in the west and Byzantine Empire in the East. Constantinople is capital of the Eastern Empire

440ad Pope Leo 1 proclaims supremacy of papacy in governing all of Christianity.

476ad Roman Empire breaks down completely many scholars flee to Constantinoble

Church of Thyatira ( 500ad - 1000bc )

622ad Birth of Islam

692ad Completion of the dome of the rock

Church of Sardis ( 1000ad - 1300ad )

1054ad The great schism - The Catholic Church is split into two the Eastern Orthdox (Greek) and the Western (Latin) Catholic Church.

1096ad 1st Christian Crusade the crusades last till 1204, the 8th and last Crusade

1204ad Destruction of Constantinoble by Islam

1270ad 8th and final crusade

Church of Philadelphia ( 1300ad - 1910ad )

1380 - 1382ad John Wycliffe translates the bible into English

1517ad Martin Luther begins the protestant reformantion in Germany

1542ad Inquisition begins

1545ad Council of Trend declares the traditions of man (pagan traditions) have the same authority as Gods word

 1572ad St Bartholomew day massacre

1598ad Edict of Nantes ( France passes laws to protect religious freedom )

1620ad Pilgrims come to America (Rev 3:8)

1720 - 1750ad First Great Awakening in America

1736ad The welsh revival

1738ad Wesleyan Revival

1795 - 1835ad Second Great Awakening

1857 - 1858ad Third Great Awakening

1776ad Birth of a new nation - America

1861 - 1865 American Civil War which ends slavery

1904-5ad Second Welsh Revival

1906 - 1909ad Azusa Street Revival

Church of Laodicea ( 1910ad - Rapture )

1914 - 1919 1st world war

1939 - 1945 2nd world war

1948  the Rebirth of Israel as prophesied by By Ezekiel ( Ezekiel 36 8-13)

Timeline of American History

1602 Capt Bartholomew Gosnold is first Englishman to land on the New England coast.

1606 The Virginia Co of London is granted a Royal Charter to settle New England

1607 Jamestown is settled under the Patent of the London Company

1613 English Colonists destroy the French settlements in Nova Scotia.

1620 The Mayflower arrives and the Plymouth colony is established.

1628 A group of settlers led by John Endecott settles in Salem and the Massachuttes Bay Colony is established

1632 King Charles 1 grants Lord Baltimore a Royal Charter to settle Maryland. Since Lord Baltimore is Catholic, the right to riligious freedom is granted to Maryland.

1681 William Penn Is granted a Royal Charter to settle Pennsylvania

1685 King James 2 Declares New York a Royal Province.

1691 Plymouth Colony becomes part of Massachuttes Colony

1692 Pennsylvania is named a Royal Colony

1729 The Carolinas become Royal Colonies.

1754 The French Indian War begins - this was part of the Seven Year War fought in Europe Between Britian and her Allies and France and her allies the war broke out in America 2 years before the official war started in Europe in 1756 -1763. This war also led to the expultion of french settlers from Canadian Maritime Provinces which led to them settlling in Louisiana.

The Albany Congress also met in 1754, the Congress was a meeting of representatives of 7 colonies, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusettes, New Hampshires, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. This led to the Articles Of Confederation which held the colonies together until the constitution was drawn up in1781

1766 The treaty of Paris was signed ending the Seven Year war. In this treaty France ceded her territories in America to Britian. Her territories west of the Mississippi were given to Spain.

1764/5 The sugar and Stamp Acts are signed, levelling taxes on many foods and printed materials. Britian also passes the Qutering Act which stated that the Colonies were to supply lodging, food and other supplies to British troops station there.

1767 The Townsend Act is passed placing duties on many items imported into America

1770 Boston Massacre

1773 The Tea Act is passed leading to the Tea Party

1774 The first Continental Congress meets with 12 of the 13 colonies present (Georgia absent) they pass the Intolerable Act.

1775 Battle of Lexington and Concord.(Start of the Revolutionary War.

Second Cotinetal Congress meets this time with all 13 colonies present. They adopt the articles of Confederation

1776  Declaration of Independence

1783 Treaty Of Paris signed ending the Revolutionary war, and Britian officially recognises America Independance.

1787 Constitution Convention begins

1789 George Washington sworn in as Americas first President

1789 Constitution goes into effect

And a New Nation is born, although this fragile nation would be tested in battle again in 1812, during the war of 1812 (1812 - 1815) this war which was part of the Napoleonic Wars. This war also led to the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 whereby France sold all her territories in the US to America to fund her continual war with Britian. The war of 1812 was fought between the United States and Britian when Britian tried to force the US not to trade with France. This war ended at the battle of New Orleans, when General Andrew Jackson defeated General Pakenham.