Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

God - The Original Creator

In Africa there is a legend people tell their children about an African boy who was tasked to get rid of a Baboon who was causing the villagers problems. The boy went out one day when he knew he was been watch by the problem animal. He carved out a whole in the trunk of a tree a little thicker than the arm of the Baboon, and placed a shinning object in the hole as bait, then hid nearby. It did not take long for the curious Baboon to come down and stick his arm in the hole to take the shinning bait, but once he had grasped the object in his closed fist it was to big to pull back out. Even when he saw the boy approacing, his attraction to the shinning bait was so strong he would not let go even as the boy swung the club to it`s head.

This was the dilemma I was in recently with this blog. I had a theory that all we had to do was restore honor and integrity to Washington, get rid of the power hungry career politicians and we could deal with the problems facing the country. This was the shinning bait I was holding on to despite evidence of a far larger problem approaching. Now after much reading, study and thought I have come to the conclusion that we are $13 Trillion dollars short and about 60 years too late for such a simple solution.

The greatest nation on earth that put a man on the moon, I fear, has now become the godless nation content with putting condoms on cucumbers. I watch what is happening in Washington on a daily basis and keep asking myself where is the outrage? What will it take before people stand up and shout enough is enough.

On March !5, 2010 Bloomberg ran a story that America was at risk of losing its AAA credit rating it went on to say,     "Achieving the fiscal consolidation necessary to avert a downgrade will test “social cohesion” ....." Thats a nice way of saying for us to avert this downgrade we would have to take action so drastic it will cause rioting in the streets.
AND THATS JUST THE ACTION WE MUST TAKE TO SAVE OUR AAA RATING!!!!!!  A mere step in the right direction, not exactly a gaint leap forward!

Lets go back to the story of the Titanic.  First lets see if we can agree that we are past avoiding the iceberg? 
In 1787 Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance, This Ordinance stipulated the need to teach religion and morality in all schools. Article 3 of this ordinance states," Religion, Morality and Knowledge being nesessary to good government and the happiness of mankind......"  If this is the litmus test, and God is offensive in all schools, governmemt building and the public square and morality is  considered as handing out condoms to 5th graders after showing them how to put them on cucumbers, high school exams have been dumbed down to allow more students to graduate and teachers cannot grade tests in red ink as this traumatises the children, then yes we are beyond avoiding the iceberg, like $13 trillion dollars short and 60 years too late.

So now that we have hit the iceberg what are our option?
Option A - Tell everybody everything is alright, let the band keep playing, Keep the poor locked up in steerage while the families of the rich and elite head for the liferafts and take care of themselves. As they did in the recent financial meltdown and bailouts, ask Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd they came out pretty good.
Option B - Admit there is a problem and lets all get together think outside the box and lets try save the ship. 
Option C - Do the next best thing forget the ship lets save the people. What must we do to get more life rafts in the water? in that calm ocean anything that floats could of been used as a liferaft. We can rebuild the ship lets save the people.

History teaches us Option A did not work out too good for most people aboard the Titanic, and nor will it work out too good for America.
Common sense tells me Option B is not an option, the actions we would need to take as a country are long past the point of testing social cohesion.
That leaves Option C.

In Plymouth MA, on the beach is a rock they call the Plymouth Rock. It is said this is the spot the pilgrims landed and on this rock they kicked the beach sand off their shoes and at this rock they knelt and prayed thanking God from delivering them from the fires of persecution and bringing them safely across the storm ravaged ocean to humble beginings in this new land they now called home. In my post " Two Ships that Sailed an Ocean" I mentioned praying men, well I believe on both ships there were praying men, on one ship they were on their knees on the deck of a sinking ship, the other group was on dry land at Plymouth rock giving thanks for deliverance. The bible tells us about the wise man that built his house on the rock, it survived the storms. Before we start saving people lets first make sure we are firmly established on the Rock of Truth.

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Psalms 18:2

Before we can start saving people lets save ourselves by turning to the God the Creator. Get your Spiritual life in order, get your finacial house in order. Get self sufficient, gold, guns and a garden sounds like a plan to me. I believe our fore fathers taught us pray for the best - but prepare for the worst. Then we need to warn people by educating them. And finally we need to be ready to rebuild once the collapse happens, if we dont rebuilt THEY will, and we will not like what they rebuild for us - ask the Russians!