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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Exposing the Word of Faith Movement

Exposing the Word of Faith Movement.

The Word of faith movement teaches not a deeper life but a fuller life based on the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and pride of life. Every Sunday they fill their mega churches offering the same things satan tempted Jesus with which He rejected. Their message is popular because it focuses on health, wealth, prosperity, earthly happiness  and success and not on humility,  repentance, brokenness, sacrificial love and Holiness. The basis of this heretic teaching is that we were created as little gods therefore we are entitled to all the benefits of the Godhead.  
The father of this movement is considered to be Kenneth Hagin Sr but Hagin by his own admission studied the writings and teachings of E. W. Kenyon
Kenyon's attendance at Emerson College in Boston gave him broad exposure to various transcendental, metaphysical and new age religious ideas.
Kenneth Hagin plagiarized much of E.W. Kenyon word-for-word. How foolish to be impressed with this man! Kenyon was an occultist! Hagin’s book, Having Faith in Your Faith, teaches that anyone can develop the universal “laws of faith” to get what he wants. He says, for a person to drive a Chevrolet instead of a luxury car isn’t “being humble, that’s being ignorant” of God’s “law of prosperity.” That works for “whoever you are,” saint or sinner.

How far back does this philosophy go?
Although its roots can be traced back to Greek Philosophers, but the father of the New Age Thought Movement within the "Christian" church is believed to be Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). The second son of Jesper Swedenborg who served as a Bishop in the Lutheran Church. Emanuel was a brilliant scientist and inventor. Beginning in 1743 and continuing throughout 1744, Swedenborg experienced intense dreams and visions at night, which he recorded in his personal diary. During this 'spiritual awakening' he received visions in which he claimed he had been appointed by the Lord to write the Heavenly Doctrine and reform Christianity. According to The Heavenly Doctrine the Lord had bestowed upon him the special privilege to visit heaven and hell and to talk to angels, demons and spirits at will. Some of his teaching taught that Christ's second coming and final judgment had already taken place. He authored 18 books including his most well known "Heaven and Hell" Swedenborg's teachings had a profound impact on many including Joseph Smith the founder of the Mormon Church. (The writings of Joseph Smith are so similar to Swedenborg that many believe he founded the Mormon church based on Swedenborg's teachings), and Charles Wesley Emerson who was a minister in the Unitarian Church before he founded Emerson College where E.W Kenyon was a student.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby.
This New Thought Movement sprung up in America during the late 1800. The leader of this movement is Phineas Parkhurst Quimby.
He taught poverty and illness exist due to erroneous thinking, fears and lack of faith in God, and that their was enough power in the mind to heal oneself. In a letter dated March 1860 Quimby uses the term "Law of Attraction" to describe this philosophy. This term is still in use today by every New Age guru out to make a quick buck selling their version of "think and grow rich" books.

Mary Baker Eddy.
A student of Quimby, Mary Baker Eddy
was a frail and sickly lady who was cured by Quimby, she went on to be a medium and gave lectures on mind cures before going on to start the Christian Science Church in 1866.

Helena Blavatsky
After traveling much of the world Blavatsky returned to America in 1875 and with Henry Steele Olcott found the Theosophical Society, which was conceived to investigate the mystical qualities of life and the psychic powers of the individual.
Despite her controversial life she went on to write a book called "The Secret Doctrine".
Her writings influenced such people as Allister Crowley, Rudolph Steiner, H.P. Lovecraft, Adolf Hitler and Alice Bailey.
Blavatsky spoke of the Aryan race and the power of the symbol we now call the swastika long before Adolf Hitler stepped on the world stage.

Alice Bailey
Born in England in 1880, she moved the the United States in 1907. She was the first to coin the term "New Age" She taught that the goal of the New Age Movement has consistently been to bring in the Age of Aquarius when all will recognize 'the God within themselves'. Her vision was that... 'The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a, "John the Baptist, a voice crying in the wilderness" and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished.' She desired a time when the 'Christian churches' would embrace the New Age concepts of illumination and self-realization. In her book "Education for a New World Order" she writes," World citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain". The New Age plan to bring in world peace cannot fully establish the Golden Age of Aquarius until Biblical Christianity is outlawed or destroyed. Her husband Foster Bailey was a 32nd degree Freemason and a national secretary of Blavatsky's Theosophical Society.  It is interesting to note that a trust fund started by Alice and her husband called the Lucis Trust (which is the Publishing House that prints and disseminates all United Nations material)  was behind the Occupy Wall Street movement, what's so ironical is that the head quarters of the Lucis Trust is at 120 Wall Street. New York City! Of the many organizations and groups that the Bailey's founded one in particular is noteworthy, The World Goodwill Group, this group has been recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council for the purpose of cooperation in the work of preparing for the reappearing of the "Christ"

 It was in this environment of New Age enlightenment that E.W. Kenyon studied at Emerson College and who's writings Kenneth Hagin Sr plagiarized word for word. In due course Hagin's teachings would influence many including Kenneth Copeland who foundered and pastors Kenneth Copeland Ministeries in Texas.

Copeland's teachings include, we are gods, Christ's death on the cross was insufficient, "It wasn't the physical death on the cross that paid the price for sin anybody could do that"  and Christ went to hell where he was raped and tormented by Satan. Other's that teach this false teaching include Joyce Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn and many others. Copeland and a former student of his, Bishop Tony Palmer are the leading voices to unite the protestant churches back under the control of the Pope and the Vatican. Copeland said, “Heaven is thrilled over this…You know what is so thrilling to me? When we went into the ministry 47 years ago, this was impossible.”

But what does Gods word say about this name it and claim in prosperity message?

1 John  2:15,  Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.  And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.