Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dreams of Dreamers

The year was 1949, the fires of revolution were burning hot through out Kenya, white farmers were been murdered on their farms by Mau Mau guerrillas, trade union strikes were reeking havoc on the countries economy. It was around this time that Hussein Onyango Obama, the grand father of Pres. Obama was arrested for his involvement in the Kenyan Independence Movement. While in jail he was subjected to cruel and harsh torture which caused permanent physical disabilities. Hussein had earlier in his life converted to Islam, and had forced his 3 wives to convert, they raised their children in the Islamic faith. His second wife who he was forced to marry by arrangement, bore him a son, Barrack Hussein Obama Sr. Although he was raised Islam he became an Atheist at a young age.

In 1959, Obama Sr left his pregnant wife and infant son to travelled to the USA on a scholarship to study economics. This would not be the only time Obama Sr would leave a wife and son, In February 2, 1961 Obama Sr married his pregnant second wife (While still married to his wife in Kenya). Barrack Hussein Obama Jr was born August 4 1961, he grew up fatherless for most of his life. Obama Sr returned to Kenya 1n 1965. And only saw his American wife and son one other time in 1971. It is well recorded that Obama Sr was a communist and a socialist, who had no problem taxing people 100% as long as they got benefits. And this is the philosophy he took back with him to Kenya.

President Obama authored a book titled, "Dreams from My Father" What was that dream?
The dream was to complete the revolution started by his fathers generation, to set the black people free from the white mans imperialism and capitalism. This dream was so important to him he left his wife and young son to return to Kenya. This dream was all about slavery, that is what socialism is about, slavery, where people are slaves to a big government who owns them, they have no liberties or freedom they work for the government are taxed 100% and in return they get food, shelter and a medical plan.

In August 28, 1963 another man had a dream, standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial he proclaimed it to the world - I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

America why did we forsake the latter dream for the former? Why did we replace the chains of slavery and racism with chains of a socialist government that wants to take our very liberties and toss us a welfare check, food stamps and a medical plan. Are our dreams and goals not bigger than the next government hand out we need to get in line for?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Rider on the Dark Horse

I have heard many people, who care deeply about this country, wonder when the next Gen George Washington will appear to lead the country back to her former glory, when people were free of tyranny and oppression. They are looking for that gallant young general on his trusty white steed to lead the charge to clean up Washington and retstore Honor. I`m remindered of the fact that it took another horseman on a dirty brown horse to make his famous ride before that General appeared. That horseman was Paul Revere. He rode many miles to warn the sleeping villagers that the British were coming. A little known fact was that many were sent out to spread the alarm, to warn those still sleeping that their very liberties were at stake. Paul Revere was only made famous because of the poem written is his name.

America are we waiting for the general on the white horse or are you going to be the rider on the dark horse?
I`m remindered of a picture I once saw of a flag draped coffin, the remains of a young Marine been carried to his final resting place. The caption above the photo read "What did you do for your country today?"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Two Ships That Sailed an Ocean

The Mayflower left Plymouth, England on September 6, 1620. Her Captain, Christopher Jones and a ships crew, with 102 passengers sailed for the new world. The first half of the voyage was fairly uneventful, with fair winds and calm seas, she was able to make good time, then the weather turned bad, the seas picked up and the winds howled through the ships rigging. During one such violent storm a main keel beam cracked, making the passengers wonder if the ship was strong enough for such violent seas. Capt Jones assured his passengers she was and the beam was fixed with a large screw and the leaking planking kaulked. Through much prayer and supplication these humble God fearing men continued to seek the favor of God. Under these trying circumstances they drafted the Mayflower Compact in the name of God. In this Compact they made their motive for sailing to the new world clear, "......for the Glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith......" . Two months later on November 11, the Mayflower anchored off Cape Cod and after landing, these humble men knelt on the beach and gave thanks to Almighty God.

Many years later another ship would sail these stormed tossed waters, on April 10, 1912 the HMS Titanic set sail for America. The largest passenger ship ever built, with double hull platting she was called the unsinkable, so safe she was, they claimed, that only 20 lifeboats were put on as an after thought. The 1st class passengers of the Titanic read like the whose who of the worlds elitist, like J Bruce Ismay, the president of the White Star Lines, James Morgan, the son of banker J P Morgan, the richest man in the world at the time and owner of the Titanic, Thomas Andrews MD of the company that built her and other industrial millionaires and bankers.
Despite many warnings of iceberg sightings Capt Smith under the instruction of J Bruce Ismay continued to plough full speed ahead to break the record for the fastest crossing. Four days into her voyage on April 14, 1912 at just past midnight she struck an iceberg. The seas were calm, flat as a lake we are told by those that survived, in fact the Titanic never saw one storm during her short trip, it was arrogance that sunk the Titanic.
After the fatal blow, the ships crew calmed everbody down, telling them to go back to their cabins and sleep everything was Okay. The band struck up and continued playing. Everything is Okay the Captain told passengers knowing full well that many would die that night in ignorant bliss. Hours later before the first light of dawn broke the eastern sky, the band finally stopped playing and all those that were not in one of the 20 liferaft died.

America I submit to you that from humble beginings we have become the arrogant Titanic - to big to fail. The politicians tell us everything is Okay, go back to sleep but our gut tells us something is wrong. I submit to you futher that not only are we the Titanic but, morally, spirtually and economically we have already struck the iceberg - the band just has`nt stopped playing yet.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mayflower

A ship that brought a dream that built a Nation that brought a new kind of freedom to an ungrateful world!

The Boston Tea Party

The day was cold, the westerly wind swept in making Boston harbor choppy, the day was December 16. The only thing more prominent than the chill in the air, was the sense of rebellion, so thick it could be cut with a knife. The evening wind turned even colder at the South meeting house when a large group of Patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians burst from the crowd and headed to Griffin`s wharf where the 3 British tea ships were moored. Quickly, quietly and efficiently the Sons of Liberty went to work, with hatchets and axes, they hacked open the chests of tea and dumped them overboard. This is the event many claim led to the Revolutionary war, and ultimately Americas freedom.

Many events had led up to this point, most having to do with taxation - taxation without representation, over taxation and taxation of every kind. Britain was fighting dearly to hold her colonies in America together. The Crown shunning every attempt made by American representatives to have a seat in Parliament to have her voice heard.

The Tea Tax Act
Prior to this act the British Crown forced all tea trade to come through London so it could be taxed. This encouraged much tea smuggling directly to the colonise. So the British Parliament Passed the Tea Act where by all tea sold in the colonise had to be taxed and the money sent directly to Britain.

Those that do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Is our Government out of control?

Shift your eyes to the top of this page. The changing figures in red is our national debt. That is what 13 trillion dollars looks like. How much is a trillion? A trillion seconds is equal to 31,688 years, now multiply that by 13, that equals 411,944 years. Washington we have a problem! The debt clock is spinning at just under 5 million dollars per second.

I prefer to think of that ticking clock as a time bomb and when it explodes in the very foreseeable future it will destroy America as we know it. The America we want our kids to grow up in.

When the founders met at the Constitutional Convention, the debate was not about left vs right. This European model has plagued us for too long. In the European Parliaments the socialists sat on the left side of the aisle and the conservatives sat on the right and the more radical you were in your views the further from the aisle you sat.

Our founding fathers debated power. They debated how much or how little power the federal government should have. Too much power leads to tyranny, too little power leads to chaos. The first government formed on the terms of the articles of confederation, was too small and powerless to re-supply the soldiers fighting at the battle of Valley Forge.
At this battle, of the 8000 soldiers fighting, 3000 abandoned Gen Washington and went home, about 200 officers resigned there commissions and about 2000 died of starvation and disease. Gen Washington attributed this disaster to Constitutional weakness of the central government under the articles of confederation.

In the final draft of the Constitution the power of the federal government was placed in the middle of the two extremes, with the emphasis on strong local self-government and states rights. Today that power base has moved more to the side of tyranny as our government spirals out of control of the people.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Don`t tread on us

If you think the tea parties are about racism then you are wasting your time on this blog. You may feel more comfortable at

The original Boston tea party was about taxation without representation. America ask yourself this, does our government represent us and our values or do they use their position for personal profit and gain? Do they put our interest above special interest groups and lobbyists. Do our elected officials care more about getting re-elected than defending the constitution?

See my Links - 15 most corrupt politicians and Fix Congress - Save America

Now shift your eyes back to the top of the page, to the ticking time bomb and ask yourself this, IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN? IF NOT ME THEN WHO?

Yes the time is right for another tea party?

It`s not about Left or Right

It`s about doing the right thing. The above video clip you just watch was made by a teenager in Alabama, he gets it, the tea party goers of 1773 they got it, to days tea party people they got it. But why do so many people not get it, why do they vote the same corrupt politicians back in? How corrupt must Washington get before the sleeping masses wake. How big must our national debt be before we figure out there is a problem in Washington, How deep in the gutter must America sink before we as induviduals stand up and shout ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Yes, there are many things we cannot agree on, but can we afford to not agree on honesty and integrity?

Recently, on the Dave Ramsey radio show, he paid tribute to a close friend of his who had past away. He described him as a man who he could, and had on many occasions, sealed hundred thousand dollar deals with just a hand shake. How many of our elected officials could you say that about? Can people say that about you?

I contend that there is no Honor in leaving our children a 13 trillion dollar debt, there is no Integrity in the special interest groups who have bought and paid for the politicians. What happened to "We the people ........"?
When did "We the people............" become, "Us the Government........" George Washington called government a necessary evil. Like fire, either you control it or it will control you!

It`s not about R`s and D`s

So many people said, when the Republicans (R) were in office, "we need to vote them out, put the other party in, they can stop this ship from sinking. So, we changed from R to Democrat (D) and the ship is still sinking. Now the call is out for the midterm elections - "Lets change back to R" .

Want a news flash? We are long past changing R`s and D`s. We need to radically restore America back to what the founders had in mind, when they debated whether Americans had enough honor and integrity to self govern. At the end of the revolutionary war Samuel Adams wrote in a letter to Richard Henry Lee (one of the signers of the declaration of independence and a great Uncle of Robert E Lee) in which he wrote " I thank God I have lived to see my country independent and free. She may long enjoy her independence and freedom if she will. It depends on her virtue".
John Adams pointed out,"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people".

The reason I started this blog is not about restoring the "R" or the "D" it`s about restoring the "H" and the "I"
Honor and Integrity to a dying nation.