Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Boston Tea Party

The day was cold, the westerly wind swept in making Boston harbor choppy, the day was December 16. The only thing more prominent than the chill in the air, was the sense of rebellion, so thick it could be cut with a knife. The evening wind turned even colder at the South meeting house when a large group of Patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians burst from the crowd and headed to Griffin`s wharf where the 3 British tea ships were moored. Quickly, quietly and efficiently the Sons of Liberty went to work, with hatchets and axes, they hacked open the chests of tea and dumped them overboard. This is the event many claim led to the Revolutionary war, and ultimately Americas freedom.

Many events had led up to this point, most having to do with taxation - taxation without representation, over taxation and taxation of every kind. Britain was fighting dearly to hold her colonies in America together. The Crown shunning every attempt made by American representatives to have a seat in Parliament to have her voice heard.

The Tea Tax Act
Prior to this act the British Crown forced all tea trade to come through London so it could be taxed. This encouraged much tea smuggling directly to the colonise. So the British Parliament Passed the Tea Act where by all tea sold in the colonise had to be taxed and the money sent directly to Britain.

Those that do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it.

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