Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Don`t tread on us

If you think the tea parties are about racism then you are wasting your time on this blog. You may feel more comfortable at

The original Boston tea party was about taxation without representation. America ask yourself this, does our government represent us and our values or do they use their position for personal profit and gain? Do they put our interest above special interest groups and lobbyists. Do our elected officials care more about getting re-elected than defending the constitution?

See my Links - 15 most corrupt politicians and Fix Congress - Save America

Now shift your eyes back to the top of the page, to the ticking time bomb and ask yourself this, IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN? IF NOT ME THEN WHO?

Yes the time is right for another tea party?

1 comment:

Restore Honor and Integrity said...

It seems like only a few months ago that i watch this video for the first time, the national debt was only a mere 7 Trillion them!