Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It`s not about Left or Right

It`s about doing the right thing. The above video clip you just watch was made by a teenager in Alabama, he gets it, the tea party goers of 1773 they got it, to days tea party people they got it. But why do so many people not get it, why do they vote the same corrupt politicians back in? How corrupt must Washington get before the sleeping masses wake. How big must our national debt be before we figure out there is a problem in Washington, How deep in the gutter must America sink before we as induviduals stand up and shout ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Yes, there are many things we cannot agree on, but can we afford to not agree on honesty and integrity?

Recently, on the Dave Ramsey radio show, he paid tribute to a close friend of his who had past away. He described him as a man who he could, and had on many occasions, sealed hundred thousand dollar deals with just a hand shake. How many of our elected officials could you say that about? Can people say that about you?

I contend that there is no Honor in leaving our children a 13 trillion dollar debt, there is no Integrity in the special interest groups who have bought and paid for the politicians. What happened to "We the people ........"?
When did "We the people............" become, "Us the Government........" George Washington called government a necessary evil. Like fire, either you control it or it will control you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think there are 5 major problems we have in Washington:
1) Lack on Honesty and Integrity
2) Taxation without REAL representation
3) No serious effort to deal with the debt and spending problem
4) Total disregatd for the constitution
5) Lack of transparency, too much backroom wheeling and dealing.