Americas National Debt Clock - Spinning at $4.5 million per second

The Gross National Debt:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Is our Government out of control?

Shift your eyes to the top of this page. The changing figures in red is our national debt. That is what 13 trillion dollars looks like. How much is a trillion? A trillion seconds is equal to 31,688 years, now multiply that by 13, that equals 411,944 years. Washington we have a problem! The debt clock is spinning at just under 5 million dollars per second.

I prefer to think of that ticking clock as a time bomb and when it explodes in the very foreseeable future it will destroy America as we know it. The America we want our kids to grow up in.

When the founders met at the Constitutional Convention, the debate was not about left vs right. This European model has plagued us for too long. In the European Parliaments the socialists sat on the left side of the aisle and the conservatives sat on the right and the more radical you were in your views the further from the aisle you sat.

Our founding fathers debated power. They debated how much or how little power the federal government should have. Too much power leads to tyranny, too little power leads to chaos. The first government formed on the terms of the articles of confederation, was too small and powerless to re-supply the soldiers fighting at the battle of Valley Forge.
At this battle, of the 8000 soldiers fighting, 3000 abandoned Gen Washington and went home, about 200 officers resigned there commissions and about 2000 died of starvation and disease. Gen Washington attributed this disaster to Constitutional weakness of the central government under the articles of confederation.

In the final draft of the Constitution the power of the federal government was placed in the middle of the two extremes, with the emphasis on strong local self-government and states rights. Today that power base has moved more to the side of tyranny as our government spirals out of control of the people.

1 comment:

Restore Honor and Integrity said...

How far on either extreme must you go to find people who will disagree that America is broken, so why do people think that those responsible for breaking it are competent to fix it!